- It can save a person's life
There are many medical emergencies where time is of the essence. A sick or injured person may not last long enough until help arrives, especially if they are difficult to reach. If there is someone around who knows first aid, they can save a person's life by providing assistance such as CPR.
- Relieves pain
Most medical emergencies involve pain. Even non-life-threatening events can be traumatising because of the pain they cause. Someone who knows first aid can provide this emergency pain relief. This could be giving the person pain medication from the first aid kit, preparing an instant cold pack, pouring cold water over the burn, etc. Someone trained in first aid will know the appropriate methods of pain relief for specific situations.
- Can prevent infection
When someone is injured, what they do to treat that injury can increase or decrease the chance of infection. Without proper training, it is easy to make things worse. For example, many people think it is acceptable to use hydrogen peroxide to sterilise a cut. The truth is that this powerful chemical damages the cells that are trying to heal the wound. With the right training and materials (clean bandages, clean water, soap, petroleum jelly, etc.) you can promote healing and prevent infection.
- You can better explain what happens to professionals
If you know first aid and a person is experiencing an emergency, you can stay with them and provide immediate help. When professionals arrive, you will be better equipped to explain what has happened. The person experiencing the emergency may not be in a position to communicate, but you can provide important information about what caused the emergency and what it looks like. This communication helps professionals make the right decisions for their patients.
- Makes workplaces safer
The more people in the workplace who know first aid, the safer it is. Medical emergencies can happen at any time and if only one person knows first aid, what happens if they are the ones exposed to the emergency? Many workplaces also work with the public, so knowing first aid helps a business keep its customers safe too. You can tailor your first aid training to the emergencies that are most likely to happen. For example, if you work in a restaurant, someone could burn themselves, cut themselves or drown. If you work outside in construction, dehydration and heat stroke are more likely, especially in hot climates.
- Keeps children safe
Children often become victims of medical emergencies. They run around a lot, are uncoordinated and like to experiment with the world around them. Even if one is a very careful parent, it does not take much time for an accident to occur. Babies are also very vulnerable and can suffer from conditions such as seizures. Seizures in babies are actually quite common and often have no clear cause. Knowing basic first aid helps parents deal with everything from minor scrapes and bruises (no hydrogen peroxide!) to more frightening situations such as seizures.
- Helps to put your mind at ease
Knowing first aid can significantly reduce your fear of medical emergencies. Life is full of unexpected events that are completely out of your control. For many people, the biggest fear is that something will happen to them or their loved ones. First aid can alleviate some of this anxiety by preparing you for a variety of frightening scenarios.
- Creates more job opportunities
Knowing first aid increases the number of jobs you can apply for. As mentioned earlier, some jobs require you to know first aid, so if you want to work as a lifeguard, flight attendant, social worker or childminder, you will probably need to know first aid. Having up-to-date training in first aid also looks good if you are applying for jobs where you work with the public, such as retail.
- Shortens the recovery time
Failure to give someone first aid can lead to death, but even if they live, they may have to deal with a longer recovery time. For example, if someone is bleeding from a wound and no one stops the bleeding before the emergency services arrive, the person will lose more blood, their blood pressure will drop and organ failure will begin. Knowing how to stop the bleeding and how to dress the wound makes recovery easier and faster
- Saves money
First aid can not only save lives, but also save money. If you know how to deal with a wound or a minor burn, you won't accidentally make it worse, it won't get infected and you won't have to go to the doctor. First aid also prevents more serious situations from escalating, so that even if it is necessary to go to hospital, treatment will not cost as much. Proper first aid training also saves businesses money as the workplace is a safer place to be.